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Sticky Brick Labs Maxx


6,500 THB


The Maxx is our favorite product to date. It comes loaded with everything you need to have a truly portable desktop unit. Built-in storage and hideaway cap help conceal everything nicely inside the Maxx. We ship the Maxx with a dry 18mm mouthpiece, built in 18mm male connector for water use, storage jar and cork for material, built in stir stick compartment.

All Maxx devices also include a medical-grade silicone whip with three whip connectors: 18mm Male, 18mm Female, and 14mm Male. They also come with a deluxe accessory pack, which contains a torch, five screens, two corks for the carb, LED lighted tweezers, Restrictor Discs, two wooden stir sticks and a stainless stir tool.


Cannabis Flowers for medical purpose, age 20 and above only. Not for use by pregnant women or while breastfeeding.
กัญชาทางการแพทย์สำหรับผู้ที่มีอายุตั้งแต่ 20 ขึ้นไปเท่านั้น ไม่อนุญาตให้ใช้กับสตรีมีครรภ์ หรือให้สตรีให้นมบุตร

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