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Green Bulldog Gummy CBD 🇯🇵

700 THB


Green Bulldog Gummi CBD Full Spectrum 200mg <Energy Drink Flavor>

CBD gummies. Contains 8 tablets. Approximately 25mg of CBD full spectrum per tablet. CBD (cannabidiol), CBDV (cannabidivarin), CBG (cannabigerol), and THCV (tetrahydrocannabivarin). An “energy drink” flavor that has just the right amount of sweetness and a unique flavor that is addictive. 

Recommended for those who are not good at vape or oil, and those who are trying CBD for the first time because they can easily eat it.

CBD to eat. Anytime, anywhere! Easy and delicious!



Cannabis Flowers for medical purpose, age 20 and above only. Not for use by pregnant women or while breastfeeding.
กัญชาทางการแพทย์สำหรับผู้ที่มีอายุตั้งแต่ 20 ขึ้นไปเท่านั้น ไม่อนุญาตให้ใช้กับสตรีมีครรภ์ หรือให้สตรีให้นมบุตร

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