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Agent Orange

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Combine Orange Skunk with Jack’s Cleaner and Space Queen, and you get Agent Orange – no, not the Vietnam-era pesticide, but rather the medical marijuana strain. This strain also known as “Agent O,” a sativa-dominant hybrid with a 75:25 sativa/indica ratio.

It produces an uplifting cerebral high ideal for depression, anxiety, and migraines. It can be useful in treating minor aches and pains, but it isn’t recommended for treatment of chronic pain. The high starts to descend after just half an hour, making this a good strain for daytime activities and house chores. it smells like citrus, naturally, and it tastes like sweet and spicy oranges, while the bud has a deep purple appearance. There are few adverse effects, though dry mouth is possible. Agent Orange, despite its name and the massive military mistake associated with it, is popular across the United States, but especially in Michigan and the Pacific Northwest. With THC levels up to 25%, it definitely one of the most potent strains around; it’s a very effective medication for many people. Agent Orange is a fun choice for everyday living that medicates without overpowering.


THC 33%, 75%-25% Sativa

Seeds: Philosopher Seeds

Flavours: Orange, Citrus, Sweet

Effects: Energetic, Uplifted, Talkative


Source: https://www.allbud.com/marijuana-strains/sativa-dominant-hybrid/agent-orange

Cannabis Flowers for medical purpose, age 20 and above only. Not for use by pregnant women or while breastfeeding.
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